Thursday, August 27, 2009

RE: Challenging Youth

Hi my name is Sidney Dicks I am the project director of Athlone Youth and Family Development Centre. I deal with troubled youth who are substance abusers or present difficult behaviour.

For the past 9 years I have worked with many troubled youth who have ultimately end up on the streets due to a lack of good parenting. Many youth don't communicate to their parents due to both parents working and don't spent much time with their children. Through my research I have discovered that many families have removed the table in the home, hence youth don't have an opportunity to commune with their parents around the food table.

This is a message I am currently trying to share with parents. In order to increase your parenting skills you have to increase your opportunity to communicate daily with your child. This will enhance your communication and children will most likely tell you more about their world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sidney,
    I actually had time to sit and read every-one's blogs - I am particularly interested in your one for my own reason - as per my blog - whilst being a single mother, I have also been both mom and dad to a special need child who has now turned 21 years old. I agree whole heartedly with you on having to just be able to be a "good parent" - the funny thing with younger people (no matter what their particular situation is) is tht each oneis unique and as a prent one must cherish the child that you were blessed with having - nuture them and love them - the proof comes in the love givenback and this the reward for simply being a "good parent" - (I put good parent) in inverted comma's because i think that could be an entirely debate at some stage.

    Thank you for your blog - it's an insight into other people's minds around the topi that you have chosen.

    Good luck in your endevours - God bless
